Bike rides and Bad Vibes

Not many updates since the last hike. Sorry. I've had some heavy things on my mind. It's tough. I know. It didn't help that my bike seat broke and it's been in the shop for two weeks (had to ride 8 miles back standing over seat post). Anyway the bad joo-joos are still in my head so I'm a ridin' fool. It's funny these melancholy thoughts and feelings would have led me to a smoking-fattening binge a few years ago. Now? I just ride or run or lift or....but enough. Check out Olivia's flower and vegetable gardens. Miah and I rode to the sandy-muddy (spelled bitch-ass-coefficient of friction) Kincaid. There are some cool pics of some people practicing paragliding in Kincaid park. Then we rode to a BBQ that some neat friends of his were having (mmmm...fresh caught King Salmon). Then it was off to Chilkoot's to wh00p up some dancin'. You can tell I have things on my mind because a) I forgot to take the camera into koots b) I danced poorly. But I am the GuzzleFlubb and I still shakka my .